This is not ok.

We've discussed before how true calm doesn't come for me until everyone is home for the night.  This extends to other people's cars in our apartment building's garage.  I shouldn't need 2A's '07 Camry to be parked to be able to sleep at night.  It's weird.  I understand that.

Just because I know this is weird doesn't mean I can change it.  And, even if I had figured out how to change it, tonight would be a test to my new-found mental health.

Tonight, Chloe is on her school trip to somewhere in Panama.  At least, I'm pretty sure it's in Panama.  I keep telling people where she went, and people keep getting this weird look on their face because they have no idea where that is.  This is not settling for me.  Don't these people know that a Toyota not at home at 20:00 can make me anxious?  My child missing in the expanse of Panama is not helpful.  

Oh. wait.  We got an email with pictures in it.  I still don't know where she is, but she has on a bathing suit and appears fine.

Beyond the fact that Chloe is in a swimming hole somewhere in Panama, my friends all decided to go to the USA/Panama soccer game.  This is a traffic and crowd nightmare.  People everywhere. Alcohol everywhere.  Traffic everywhere.  Soccer crazy everywhere.  We were invited to join them.  I said no. Tony complained that I should have asked him first.  People + Traffic + Alcohol + Soccer + Nighttime + Panama.  Um, no.  I won't be asking first.  

So, as you watch the game tonight- for both of my US readers who will be watching- say a little prayer that my people all get home safely.  And, that I sleep tonight.

And that Tony screaming at the television during the game doesn't keep the kids up.



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