Welcome to March!

I am so glad to be out of January and February!  For reasons dating back to the growing up in Illinois years, I dislike January and February.  They are the dreary-weathered, post-holiday-fun, blech months.  I have some dear people with birthdays during those months, but I have not lived near enough to celebrate with them on their birthdays since ... um... hmm... I have no idea.  See?  January and February are uck months!

March, in Illinois, gives the hint of warmer weather and means basketball madness.  Definitely 2 of my favorite things!  March holds a special anniversary and a very important birthday- Carson's!

In celebration of this special month, we're going to have an extra fun time here on the blog.  They'll be a couple of celebrations, hopefully a few announcements, and, in honor of Carson's love of talking, a DAILY blog post!

I look forward to spending this beginning-of-Spring month with you!  Have a great Friday!  I'll see you tomorrow!


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