A Vacation's Worth of Blessings...
We were able to participate in the 4th of July parade- one of my favorite smalltown activities!
We found Mrs. Claire at the parade!! Mrs. Claire is one of the greatest influences in our lives, and we were so excited to see her!!
The girls got to play on a swingset! One of my children's great complaints is the lack of a backyard, and we've never had a swingset so this was a big treat!
Carson scored a goal against Mr. Shawn!
VBS! We love VBS!!
Libby and Chloe back together! Watching the reunite is one of the purest joys of my life!
Camilla with her sweet friends! I was so excited to see her reconnect so easily.
I got to spend some wonderful time with my sweet friend, Mandy! It was amazing to hear about her life in the Lord!
My big girls with their Great Grandma Dorothy! We are blessed to still have Great Grandpa and Great Grandma!
Lovin' Camilla and her posing!
I thought it was special to watch Tony and Carson play basketball where Tony played when he was a kid!
We haven't been to Grandpa and Grandma A's house since December of 2010. It was great to be together again!