October 8. So Proud.

(photo courtesy of firstmomentsbirthphotography.com)

I make no apologies for how much I love this kid.  He's my only boy, but my love for him has nothing to do with that.  (I, in fact, grow beyond tired of people talking about how Carson is special because he's our only boy.  Um, no.  Each of my girls is special, too.  Ok?  Everyone on board with that?  Moving on)

I make no apologies for how much I love Carson.  His personality is unlike any child I've seen before.  He's all in with life, and I love that about him.  He's competitive and encouraging.  He's stubborn and sensitive.  He's an enigma but unrelentingly consistent.  He engages my mind and my heart.  He's also my running partner.  He's capable, confident, and caring. He's athletic, academic, and friendly.   I've always been proud of him.

Today, though, I'm feeling a new level of pride.  Today, he made me, as a grown up, proud.  Moms are proud people.  Comes with the territory, and the labor and delivery process.  We're proud of these people because they are a piece of us.  But, today, the man he's becoming made me proud.  

You see, he's got this little female admirer in his sixth grade class.  She's been politely forthcoming expressing her feelings. Though I wouldn't want my daughters behaving the same way, I was kind of impressed by her.  You know I like a strong woman.  I also know that sixth grade is pretty young for boyfriends and girlfriends.  It is, however, old enough to take people and their feelings seriously.

I called a friend to get some wisdom on the topic.  I love this friend.  She's walked this parenting thing out, and she's now enjoying life from the other side of the fence.  She had great advice.  Some of it I actually listened to.  

Carson and I sat down, and we discussed how he felt about this child's feelings.  We discussed how he should respond.  We discussed that 11 is far too young to have a girlfriend, but it's old enough to act honorably.  We discussed that her future husband needed Carson to act fairly.  Yes, this is all WAY above the situation, but you practice life when it gives you the opportunity.

All of this happened about a month ago.  At that time, Carson really wanted to write her a note and tell her that his mom said no.  (I'm willing to be a scapegoat.)  I encouraged him to have a conversation because 1) I have no idea how the school feels about note passing and 2) I felt like he needed to practice leading in an uncomfortable conversation.

Today, Carson came home from school and ran into my room.  He talked to the girl today.  He explained what he needed to explain.  He looked her in the eye.  They laughed that both of their moms wondered if the conversation were ever going to happen.  Then, he scored a goal in recess.  That's life in sixth grade.  Honor is ageless.  

And, I'm incredibly proud of Carson.

(I had him read this and give me permission to publish it.  He made a correction.  It was 4 goals he made at recess.)


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