July 29.

It feels like a lifetime ago that I got back to Panama, but it was only 9 days!  I've been mentally writing this post all week, and I'm excited to share it with you!  Here are the...

Top Five Things I Learned (that surprised me)...

1.  Coralynn uses a sleep mask.  

Passed out on the plane

Getting ready for bed in her "cloud"

I really had NO idea that people actually used sleep masks.  I thought they were just given out in spa gift baskets for filler.  There is no way I could sleep with one because then bad guys could sneak up on me in my sleep  (though my assault-proof blankie would keep me safe).  Coralynn absolutely uses one which leads us to surprise number two...

2.  Coralynn can fall asleep on command on an airplane.  

Let's be fair that our vacation was tiring, but on FOUR different flights I told her that she was going to sleep the whole way.  FOUR different times she slept for the entirety of the flight.  Carson thought maybe I was just using the Force, but if so, it only works for sleeping on planes.

3.  On my 12th birthday, First Lady Barbara Bush was meeting with Princess Diana.

Seriously, how cool is that!!

4.  The beauty of nature can make me speechless. 

Cue the comments of people astounded that anything can make me speechless.  But still, I never considered myself a nature person.  I kind of loathe it.  I've been to the Grand Canyon. Thought it was on awfully long drive for a big ditch.  I love wildlife in the wild- whales in the Pacific, alligators in the Bayou.  But, nature is not my thing.  Cities were my thing, until I went to Calgary.  From the minute we pulled out of the airport, I was mesmerized.  My entire thought processed came out as one sentence- that I used 40 times.  "There's just so much sky."  The air is city felt different kind of like when you are breathing in a small room that has an air filter running.  But, nothing could prepare me for the stop-in-my-tracks beauty of Banff. 

5.  Chloe is ready to take on the world.

I hear stories of parents who drag their kids to colleges and force them to pick majors and beg them to get off the couch and go to classes.  This is not my story with Chloe.  I know she is only a junior (HOW CAN SHE BE A JUNIOR?!?!?), but she has a plan and is going after it.  She went on the college visits and listened.  She listened in that way that broadens you mind and narrows your focus.  She came home and started researching.  She may change her mind a thousand times before she actually chooses a college and a major and a future, but I have total confidence she's ready.

And bonus thing I learned this week that didn't necessarily surprise but brought me to a happy memory/realization... when the going gets tough, I know my US-based best friend is still my bff.  

To being lifelong learners (gag emoji for that phrase),


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