June 17

Happy Father's Day!!  I have the an amazing dad and so do my kiddos!  So thankful for them both!!

As for me, I missed a week.  Last Sunday, we had another 5k.  This one ended very badly for me.  I'll save you the gory details, but I ended up having to walk back to the start line.  On the way, I had to ask (while sobbing) 5 people to let me borrow a cell phone before I got one person to agree.  I called Carson to have him message Chloe's phone to let she and Tony know that they should come get me.  They didn't see the message for a while and were at the finish line panicking.

Carson had a migraine and also didn't participate.

I'm fine now.  Miraculously, I didn't have any major repercussions. I just wasn't in the mood to post last week.  If you had seen me, you would totally understand.

This week, I realized, for the millionth time, that I am so proud of my kids.  I went to the end of the year showcase where parents get to talk to teachers, and students get to show off their work.  Believe it or not, I will never not get teary listening to the kids' teachers talk about my children's character.  I love that they get good grades and that they try hard, but it doesn't make me weepy.  Listening to people say that my kids are "leaders," "humble," "honest," and "kind."  Those words make my heart want to leap from my chest.  It was the perfect wrap up to a long and tiring school year!

Now, I am in full summer vacation mode!  We have our New York City plans mostly mapped out.  I'm still terrified of this portion of the trip.  I'm a city girl.  Los Angeles. Mexico City.  London.  Paris.  I love them all.  But NYC has me nervous.  I have no idea what I'm doing, but everyone assures me it'll be fine.  And fun.  So, that's what I'm going with.  It's like a mantra,  "NYC will be fine and fun.  NYC will be fine and fun."  Next Sunday, we will be spending our last day in New York watching Anastasia on Broadway.  That really sounds like it could be fine and fun.  Right?

To summer vacation actually being fine and fun,


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